And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him
Revelation 12:7-9
The Cosmic War Consequences
The cosmic war between GOD and Satan is real. It begun in heaven, when Satan and his evil angels rebelled and went to war against GOD; were defeated and cast out of heaven; thus peace and harmony of the heavenly kingdom was shattered; and the warfare spread to planet earth; where it still continues. Thus you and I exist in an increasingly more violent, insecure, and difficult to live in global village. Daily we see sceneries of natural disasters, deadly pandemics and lockdowns; with multitudes of scared, hurting, and suffering people all around the globe. We see young and old, poor and rich, famous and ordinary suffer and die each day. Our cemeteries are filled with billions of dead bodies, and each year over 53 million die and join them. We hear of over 200 million people including children suffer terrible exploitation, horrific abuse, enforced slavery, even death. We hear of untold millions dying from despair, suicide, horrible addictions, and substances abuse. We hear talks of peace, yet witness constant warfare killing millions of innocent people. Witnessing a world increasingly out of control, we often panic; unsure what to do. Moreover, we want to know when and how this warfare ends???
After all, as yet we aren’t fighting in this war; we’re just witnessing evil of constant dying, injustice, suffering, and destruction. Thus at times we feel angry and guilty; and when evil hits those close to us we want to retaliate. But we don’t know when, where and how...the volume of theories and beliefs about this warfare between good and evil makes us unsure and reluctant to participate. However, according to biblical records there are only 2 sides in this cosmic warfare; God and His followers; and Satan and his followers…
The good news is this cosmic war between good and evil; God and Satan will soon end. There is no neutral side; thus everyone must choose whom to fight; and whom to support. Admittedly choosing isn’t easy; due to multitude of abounding theories and beliefs. So how do I know which one of these is true? Should I believe the scientists, the politicians, the religious leaders, or perhaps God? Why God?
Being almighty and good, shouldn’t He have stopped this messy warfare long ago? Well, as God is almighty, good, and all knowing; He wants the whole universe to know and witness the extent of colossal lies, evil, and deceptions Satan and his evil spirits have inflicted upon the human race and the universe. Once the whole truth is revealed and the enormity of evil and destruction Satan and his evil angels have caused GOD will destroy them forever by His all consuming FIRE…Also GOD is the source of complete truth. And GOD was there from beginning of this cosmic warfare; So He knows everything that’s happened…He also knows the end before beginning. what’s yet to happen; and WHEN and HOW it all ends. Thus in His Holy Word GOD provides true answers to our most pressing questions. So you and I can know the truth about the war in heaven; and subject to our freewill we can freely choose whether or not to trust and believe Him; and whether or not to join and fight on His side…
The war between GOD and His followers; and Satan and his followers is real. There are only these 2 sides. Thus each one of us inevitably fights FOR or AGAINST one of them...
The good news is that cosmic war between good and evil; God and Satan will soon end. There is no neutral side; thus everyone must choose whom to fight; and whom to support. Admittedly choosing isn’t easy; as there is confusion, and uncertainty due to multitude of abounding theories and beliefs. So how do I know which one of these is true? Should I trust and believe the scientists, the politicians, religious leaders, or perhaps God? Why God? Being almighty and good, shouldn’t He have stopped this messy war long ago? Well, God is both, almighty and good, but He is more than that, He is also our best option. Why? Because He was there from the very beginning of this cosmic war. So He knows everything that’s happened; what’s yet to happen; and WHEN and HOW it all ends. He has the complete truth and knows everything about it; and due to His goodness He provides trustworthy answers to our most pressing questions. Thus you and I can now discover His answers; and decide whether or not to trust and believe Him; and whether or not to join and fight on His side.
Satan and his forces rebelled against God caused this war; and intruded into existence of heavenly and earthly beings. Thus each one of us inevitably fights FOR or AGAINST one of them.
You may say that’s unreal; so black and white; this can’t be that simple. Well, there are many grey doubt areas in our everyday lives; yet it’s that simple. Why? Because in this cosmic war there are only 2 realities, GOOD and EVIL; originating from only 2 different sides; GOD and Satan. There are no grey doubt areas in the Bible about these truths.
Any grey doubt areas originate from our own interpretations; and human assumptions; that increasingly blur our spiritual perception… Thus we no longer discern without some doubt what’s good and bad? Right or wrong? Truth and lie? Have we possibly slipped away from GOD’S Holy WORD? Has grey of DOUBT and UNBELIEF impaired our spiritual sight and understanding? Are we possibly bogged down by uncertainty about biblical truths of our faith? Be that as it may; times we live in demand we read, believe, and act in accordance with GOD’S Word: “Thus says the Lord”. By the grace and power of our Lord Jesus Christ we should, and can do this. This warfare ends soon; and we know Satan and his evil angels and demons will be destroyed forever. Revelation 21:9-10