Basically, as God is perfect; perfect life is free from any flaw; or defect.
In comparison our present life has many flaws and defects; where wickedness and death are the greatest.
However, it was not always like this.
In the beginning of time, perfect life was divinely gifted to us by the Godhead (the Father; the Son; and the Holy Spirit).
Created in the image of the Godhead; we were perfect beings; with freewill and lived in perfect Paradise, the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 1:27 and 2:8).
Clothed in divine glory and goodness; we had conditional immortality by access to the tree of life; subject to not eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Genesis 2:9 and 2:16 and 17).
As appointed rulers of planet earth; we had dominion over whole earth; and had procreative capacity to populate it at our discretion. (Genesis 1:28).
“Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good”. (Genesis 1:31).
Sharing regular time with our selflessly loving creator; nurtured our character; love for God; each other; and multitudes of the marvellous creatures surrounding us. (Genesis 3:8).
From the beginning of our perfect life; divine love and selfless relations taught us that perfect life can only be sustained by loving relations; and living in accord with eternal principles of selfless love; that sustains eternal peace, freedom and fulfilment. (1.John 4:7 and 8; and 5:1 and 2).
Our once perfect life; was divinely perfect; until our selfishness and doubt drove us to distrust; and disobey eternal principles of selfless love.
Thus; our present life has multitudes of flaws and defects.
Moreover; wickedness and death; are direct consequences of our selfishness; distrust; and disobedience in mankind desiring to be gods.
Tragically, zillions of angels and humans have been; and will be deceived and destroyed; unless we accept; trust and believe divine truth.
Divine truth is; there is only 1Almighty; immortal; and eternal God. (1.Timothy1:17).