Searching for a new house rental; based on advertisements, we found only two potential residences; and drove to their impressive locations; but ended very disappointed, for neither of them matched their location, photos, and descriptions.…

Searching for a new house rental; based on advertisements, we found only two potential residences; and drove to their impressive locations; but ended very disappointed, for neither of them matched their location, photos, and descriptions.…
The last few years were extremely challenging; thus most of us received lots of bad news, which increased our anxieties and insecurity. Now; this good news can empower you and me to no longer feel…
The fresh start of a New Year is habitually equated with a fresh start to life; hoping this year things will be better. Thus, after 2 years of a pandemic new normal; New Year resolutions…
To yoke, means to couple or attach with. Example of unequal yoking would be of coupling a camel and a donkey together; where each pulls in a different direction, at their own speed. This example…
A selfish sinful nature driven by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is of this world and lusts for more, better, and different; which torments and…
Our life on earth starts with birth; where life begets life; and without parental procreative life contributions, there would be no birth. Thus, no birth; no life, However, despite parental life contributions, many babies are…
In eternity past, all angelic beings lived in loving harmony with the Godhead (God the Father; the Son of God; and the Holy Spirit of God); in accord with eternal principles of infinite selfless love;…
From its beginning; our divinely gifted perfect life was free from any evil; wickedness; selfishness; deterioration; death; And any other imperfection. True perfect life requires divine presence; and personal relations with our divine creator; through…
Basically, as God is perfect; perfect life is free from any flaw; or defect. In comparison our present life has many flaws and defects; where wickedness and death are the greatest. However, it was not…
If 1 word definition; for meaning of human life is survival; consequences of our extreme anxiety, fearing potential premature death by Covid-19; seemingly confirm it. For within16 months; our deadly fears burst into a survival obsession, costing us the loss of our precious freedoms;…