In eternity past; long, before the world was established; the Godhead created the heavens; domain of the eternal kingdom; the heavenly temple; and the throne; to rule all heavens. (Psalm 103:19; and Daniel 7:10). The…

In eternity past; long, before the world was established; the Godhead created the heavens; domain of the eternal kingdom; the heavenly temple; and the throne; to rule all heavens. (Psalm 103:19; and Daniel 7:10). The…
In Revelation chapter 12, verses 7 and 9; we read; “And there was war in heaven: “Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and his angels”; (Michael means one as God). “And the great…
Human history and existence is flooded with diverse wars and beginnings. Like most things, beginnings and wars had their origins and causes. Likewise, the biblical records of cosmic origins reveal its 2 beginnings; and in…
Death is cessation of life, for which only biblical evidences offer credible explanation. In eternity past, death was nonexistent; for everything was forever perfect. All angelic and human beings were gifted conditional immortality; in accord…
And, you shall be as gods. The word and, precedes a conclusion that follows whatever happened, and was said before, the word and. So, who made this incredible promise; To whom was it given; When,…
God created Lucifer as a perfect being. Biblical disclosures by prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel; reveal how perfect, beautiful and unique he was; before he defiled himself. History of his origins, initial position and downfall to…
Eternity as the dwelling place of the Godhead; is filled with infinite selfless Love, that is character of God the Father; Son; and Holy Spirit. The essence of this Divine Love permeates their eternal laws…
Lucifer was the anointed cherub; full of wisdom and perfection; residing in Eden, the garden of God; what led him along the pathway to iniquity? Iniquity is defined as wickedness, lawlessness, or sin. Isaiah chapter 14; verses13…
Some people believe Satan was created by God; yet there are no such records in God’s inspired Word the Bible. However, specific biblical evidences in Ezekiel chapter 28; verses12 to15; reveal creation of Lucifer (shining…