And, you shall be as gods.

The word and, precedes a conclusion that follows whatever happened, and was said before, the word and.  

So, who made this incredible promise; To whom was it given; When, and why.

In eternity past before origins of mankind, a created covering cherub called Lucifer; knew that Almighty God created him; yet craved his own godhood..

Like other angels, Lucifer experienced infinite selfless love which permeated eternal laws and principles of divine relations, creating and sustaining.

He experienced relational laws and principles of infinitely selfless love; not to have other gods; nor covet what belonged to others. (Exodus 20:2 and 17). 

Yet obsessed with lawless cravings of godhood; his selfishness corrupted his mind and character, with ever greater evil; until no truth was left in him. (John 8:44).

Sophistry of his selfish godhood lies; deceived hearts and minds of angels; and led to heaven’s first war; defeat, and casting out of rebelling Lucifer and one third of his angelic followers. (Revelation 12:3; and 12:7 to 9).

After committing lawless deeds; the character of Lucifer and his angels gradually became evermore corrupted by the evil of sin.

Thus, rather than being as gods; Lucifer turned into devil and Satan; and his angels turned into evil spirits and demons. 

From eternity past, till now; devil and his evil angels repeatedly utilised this colossal godhood deception; that led to their self-destruction, to deceive and destroy others.

Thus, from beginning of time, God our creator warned us of the true consequences of sin and evil:”But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shalt not eat of it. For,in the day that you eat thereof; you shall surely die’’. (Genesis 2:17).

Knowing this, Lucifer cast from heaven as devil and Satan; changed tactics and used the serpent as medium to impart his perfected godhood deception: “…You shall not surely die: For God does know that in the day you eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil”. (Genesis 3:4 and 5).

Thus, it was selfishness to be as gods; which corrupted the character of Lucifer and his angels; and led to evil deeds of sin; in like manner, selfishness to be as gods; corrupted the character of first man (male and female); and led to evil deeds of sin and death.