Lucifer was the anointed cherub; full of wisdom and perfection; residing in Eden, the garden of God; what led him along the pathway to iniquity? Iniquity is defined as wickedness, lawlessness, or sin.
Isaiah chapter 14; verses13 and14; provide evidence that Lucifer’s path to iniquity started within his heart; “For you have said in your heart”:
I will ascend into heaven;
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north;
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High”.
It is impossible for us to explain why iniquity came into Lucifers heart; but his five wilful intentions coveting godhood; revealdesires; as the what; that started him along the path to iniquity.
By his wilful intention to break the 10th commandment; do not covet; Lucifer a created covering cherub; desired ascending to receive power, glory and worship; that only the Most High (God) received.
Desiring to be like the Most High (God); he wilfully intended to break the 1st commandment; “you shall have no other gods before Me”.
Thus, wilful intentions to break these 2 commandments started Lucifer along the pathway to iniquity.
Once Lucifer acts upon these sinful intentions; he would cease loving, the Lord his God with all his heart; soul; and mind; and his fellow angels as himself. Thus by his wilful actions, Lucifer would separate himself from his Creator God; and actually commit his first iniquities.
Knowing Lucifers thoughts; should God have stopped Lucifer before he acted upon his wilful intentions? The blog Why God Didn’t Stop Lucifer reveals more.