In eternity past; long, before the world was established; the Godhead created the heavens; domain of the eternal kingdom; the heavenly temple; and the throne; to rule all heavens. (Psalm 103:19; and Daniel 7:10).
The heavens; and eternal kingdom; were home to multitudes of created spiritual beings, called angels; and creatures of many kinds.
All angels; worshipped in the heavenly temple; displaying the ark of the testament (containing eternal commandments); which they joyfully obeyed. (Revelation 11:19; and Psalm 103:20).
These eternal commandments; revealed Devine character of infinitely selfless love, enshrined within eternal laws, and principles; which sustained perfect peace; freedom; equality; and harmony of eternal existence. (1st John 4; verses 8 and 9).
Then, at some point of eternity past; heavenly peace and harmony were shattered. For Lucifer a created angel, and the angels he drew; selfishly rebelled against the Godhead, Devine ruling; worship; and keeping of eternal commandments.
But why wasn’t Lucifer; and his angels selfish rebellion swiftly crushed?
Firstly; as infinitely selfless love uses no coercion; the rebels were given opportunity to confess their wrong doings; make peace; and repent for their selfish conduct.
Secondly; by divine righteousness; rebel’s had freedom of choice; thus it was their freewill decision, to stop and restore peace; or continue rebelling.
Moreover; interpreting Devine patience as weakness; the rebels became aggressive; which led to intervention of angels loyal to their creator. So; there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels.
However; the great dragon, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, and his angels prevailed not; and were cast out to earth.(Revelation12; verses 7 to 9).
So; there was again peace and harmony in heaven; but also great sadness; for one third of heavens angels, forfeited eternal life; and their place in the eternal kingdom.
But; why was the war in heaven? Essentially, due to the rebel’s unyielding selfish desires; continuous peace breaking; and pride; which prevented them to admit their wrongs; ask forgiveness; and make peace.
Remarkably; the war in heaven later spread to our world; and lately, it’s getting more fierce and deadly. However; according to Bible prophetic signs of the times; it is fast approaching its final stages. The eternal reset; of new heaven; new earth; eternal life, peace, and harmony; is; coming.